CASE STUDY: How we helped an FX Brokerage recruit the best sales graduates
Posted by Phil Mulvain on 06/02/18 13:55
Recently, we were approached by a prominent FX brokerage, who asked us to recruit five of the best and brightest sales graduates based on our proven ‘Talent at a Higher Level’ methodology (especially our first Sales Mantra - Business Fit, Business Value and Long Term Relationships).
Our client was frustrated with the incumbent sales recruitment company and felt disillusioned by their ethos and ways of working.
At durhamlane, we understand the importance of getting the right graduates first time. Guided by our methodology, we were able to select the applicants that we and the client felt confident would add significant value to their organisation.
The problem
Due to our client’s significant growth, they set our recruitment team a challenge of building a new team of energetic and ambitious sales graduates, to buddy up with five senior partners. As the partners are all very busy, they don’t have time to recruit, train and develop their new hires.
How we solved it
The durhamlane Sales Graduate Programme approach consists of four key modules: Graduate Headhunting, High Impact Sales Training, On Work Coaching and Mentorship & Learning Reinforcement (see infographic below).
Moreover, all of our successfully placed candidates receive free access to our renowned and highly sought-after Sales Masterclasses and eLearning resources for 12 months. Successful candidates also receive up to four hours of telephone coaching and support delivered by an experienced and knowledgeable sales professional.
This enables our graduates to be highly effective from day one.
Once our client signed off on five exclusive roles, we got straight to work putting our 'Talent at a Higher Level' philosophy into practice.
Within the first week, we were able to identify and qualify 150 candidates for the five roles available. Our recruitment team worked alongside the FX Brokerage to shortlist and invite 75 graduates for an online video interview (using our video interview platform).
Out of the 16 that were invited to the Selection Event, five graduates were offered the chance to work for FX Brokerage on the day and within 24 hours, all five accepted. The whole process took just six weeks (including a two week break over Christmas)!
Our hand picked graduates start their brand new roles in early February, attending their first durhamlane Sales Masterclass mid-February. Moreover, because of how successful this project has been, our client has asked us to undertake more recruitment projects for them over the coming weeks and months.
Is your business struggling to find graduate sales talent? Are you anxious about the challenges you might face during the recruitment process? If these questions sound familiar, you should talk to us.
To find out how we could help your business solve its recruitment problems, call 0191 481 3800 and ask for Phil Mulvain.