durhamlane Blog

4 Things That Make Sales Professionals Unforgettable

Written by Michael Knowles | 11/11/15 16:30

I get my hair cut by the same barber every time, no matter what. It’s not a difficult haircut: I go with a simple buzz cut all over. Anyone can do it. But I go to the same person every time, why? Because he knows me, He knows what I like, that I’m in the neighbourhood, and that I work locally for durhamlane, and in turn, I know him. There are no awkward silences. He never does a bad job, and my experience is always delightful.In theory, anyone can cut my hair. But when it comes down to it, a lot of stuff matters that has nothing to do with why I’m actually there (to get a haircut). This experience got me thinking about sales, and how important it is that sales professionals offer more than taking someone’s order. Nowadays, sales reps need to deliver an experience. If a sales person wants a customer to keep coming back, they need to do more than just accept a sale. A lot of customers are betting on the salesperson, as this is who they trust, this is who they believe will help get them where they want to go!

So what makes a salesman/woman unforgettable to their client and prospects? Here are our top 4 tips:


1) Offer to help.

Over the last few years, sales has essentially switched from an ‘always be closing’ mentality to a more conversational long-term helpful approach ‘always be helpful’, this shift has been tremendous for the customer, and the development of business relationships. Instead of someone just selling a product, sales professionals have taken on the role of teammate, advisor, and guru for their prospects. As our Managing Partner and renowned Sales trainer – Richard Lane puts it, “sales professionals should focus on helping prospects even if it doesn’t result in a sale on that particular call, this is a great way of building long-term relationships, and in time repeat custom.” With your help your customer can accomplish a lot; you can improve sales success, revenue can grow and their business can scale. It makes no difference what your product or service is, offering thoughtful advice and help is a sure fire way to long-term business relationships.


2) Know your customer!

What’s the most important part of sales? Many experts argue that it’s knowing your customer or prospect. This idea of building relationships has come to the forefront in sales and business development in these past few years, and for good reason. Nowadays the clichéd saying ‘people buy from people’ has never been so prevalent, and great sales people, whether they work in direct sales or business development recognise this, ensuring they’ve done their research (market intelligence) to get under the skin of their client, understanding their market, strengths, pain points, and then identifying a solution to their customers headaches and problems.



3) Go the extra mile.

As a sales training and UK based sales outsourcing specialist ‘Going the extra mile’ for our clients, is embedded into our DNA. I believe it was Zig Zaglar who famously said ‘There’s no traffic on the extra mile’, something top sales professionals live and breathe, whether it’s staying late to meet a deadline/ target, or to help and support a key client with an important issue, there are a lot of ways to show your passion for your customer and their success. As our managing Partner – Richard Lane, always says during his ‘Selling at a Higher level’ sales training workshops “great sales people are committed to the success of their client’s business like it was their own”.

If you want to go the extra mile as a sales rep, there are a few easy things you can do. Start by occasionally sending quick emails to your prospects, maybe even hop on the phone once or twice a month. These types of calls and interactions are a great way of gathering feedback from your customer or prospects on what they like, what they don’t like, and what they think could be improved etc... This is also a great way to deepen your personal relationship.


4) Use memorable terminology and phrases.

Pick and choose your language carefully, because the right terminology can engage your customer a lot more. So look to incorporate words and phrases such as:

  • You
  • Because
  • Looking forward
  • Value
  • Increase
  • Challenge
  • Easy
  • Tested
  • Proven 
  • Additionally there are industry specific key words that you should ensure you pick up, understand and use appropriately. The more industry terminology you can use the better.


To find out more about sales training workshops, and to further improve your sales skills and performance, visit the training page on our website. For daily hints and tips you can now follow us on twitter @durhamlane, or join in our sales conversations on LinkedIn.




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