4 Sales hacks to improve your sales success


Sales can be complex at times, especially when you are looking at approaching key clients in your industry sector for the first time. After my recent interview with our Sales Operations Director – Jake Spence however, it became clear with a little attention to the finer details of your sales approach, ‘Selling at a Higher Level’ and greater sales success is only a few simple changes away.

During my meeting with Jake, time and again we came back to the same key points; be strategic, add value, and work smarter! Jake and I discussed how he and his Outsourced Sales/ Business Development teams create great sales opportunities for clients, and we came up with four key points, that can be addressed and implemented quickly.

Here are Jake’s four top sales hacks to improve your sales success;


  • Understand what you are selling

This may sound obvious to sales professionals, but this is something I look to constantly reinforce with my sales teams. It is absolutely paramount on our outsourced sales solution projects that we have a great understanding of our clients business, market, and their products/services. Gaining a deep understanding of your product/service gives you two huge benefits;

  1. Confidence – “The more you know, the more confident you will become” – Richard Lane
  2. The ability to relax, focus, and actively listen – “The more confident you are in your field, the more you will relax and can focus on listening.” – Lee Durham


  • Decide on your approach

Answer this simple question – ‘Is your product/service for everyone?’

Yes – Then take a broad, mass market approach to your sales ensuring you are speaking to as many people as possible, as often as possible to enable you to quickly grow awareness, and to start

No – If your product/service offering is a little more niche, then your approach needs to be more calculated and timely. Who are the businesses or main consumers of your product or service? Who is the decision maker? Where are they? How and when do they like to be contacted? Work out the answers and you’ll begin having the right conversations with the right people.


  • Do your homework

Be aware of the common sales call perceptions and break the mould! Don’t contact a prospect if you can’t deliver something of real value. A former mentor of mine, drilled into me the importance of doing your homework on prospects. This is a teaching I pass on and reinforce to every one of my sales team regularly. Before you begin calling or contacting potential clients get to know; the latest happenings and news within your prospects industry, ensure you are aware of recent changes to your prospects business or service offering, and finally, is there a recent compelling event that you can utilise to add further weight and meaning to your call?


  • Spend your time where you can be most successful

Don’t be too broad in your approach. Choose around 3 sectors for your areas of focus and stick with them. What I find useful is to analyse a few key metrics such as; Email opens, Click through rates, Contact rates, and ultimately number of new business deals closing. Doing this little and often allows for a quicker understanding of where time is best spent, and my quickest route to sales success.


For more information on durhamlane’s ‘Selling at a higher Level’sales training courses, or for more information about our high impact outsourced sales solutions and the benefits of sales outsourcing, please visit www.durhamlane.co.uk or download our latest eBook.


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