How Employers can Earn Millennials’ Loyalty Back

By the end of 2020, 71% of UK Millennials (born after 1982) will want to quit their current employer to join a new organisation.
The latest
Deloitte survey investigated the reasons behind this remarkable absence of loyalty among the dominating segment of workforce, with an increasing share of senior level employees. This article points out the key findings of the survey and explains how your company can earn Millennials’ loyalty back.

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team development leadership coaching

Do you trust and value your sales team?
Did you know Marissa Mayer, President & CEO of Yahoo, issued a ban on working from home across the organisation? This controversial decision at the time was received with very widely mixed reactions, from the scepticism of other business leaders to the full support of business tycoon and former mayor of New York Michael Bloomberg.
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sales performance sales tips sales motivation team development