A Comparison of Lawyers and Salespeople

We believe that great salespeople are everywhere. We’re so sure, in fact, that we’re asking you to challenge us to find the link, in any profession. This time, we shed a light on lawyers and their similarities to salespeople.

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sales motivation sales profession

Sales excellence in a Customer First digital world

There is a huge amount of talk right now about how the digital world is changing the Sales environment. Organisations large and small, but particularly the largest, are having to re-think how they approach their customers in order to remain relevant, competitive and worthy of loyalty.  

In my view there's never been a better time to be a sales professional. Yes, the invention and acceleration of the digital world has enabled our customers to have more insight and choice than ever before, however, "choice" seems to be multiplying as fast as everything else and we all need help to choose the right thing, across our lives, in and out of business. 

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sales motivation Sales Process business transformation leadership business development market intelligence Innovation sales profession success digital digital sales

Sales momentum: Find it, build it, and hold on to it

"Regaining momentum takes three times as much energy as sustaining momentum,” according to US business author, Dan Pink. So, what does ‘momentum’ look like in your sales team? Incoming phone calls from prospects, emails from satisfied clients and recommendations on social channels would be a good place to start.

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sales performance Sales Training sales motivation

Simple But Effective Ways to Cope With Stress in Sales

The sales profession can be highly rewarding, but it has also a reputation of being one of the most stressful jobs. As a consequence many sales people quit the field each year as they simply can’t take the hammering day in, day out. Those who continue to stay on this roller coaster can often find themselves crippled with stress. If they don’t find effective ways to relieve their stress level, it can have a negative impact on both professional and personal life.

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sales performance sales motivation coaching

What’s the Complication, it’s only Conversation!

Now there will be some eagle eyed of you out there who will not miss the irony of this post, not only am I Southern but I am also a sales person and ex promotions manager. Due to my professional background I have spent the majority of my adult life glued to some form of communication device or social media. Far from being a technophobe I am an advocate for technological advancement and feel when used correctly social media can be an insanely powerful tool.

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sales tips Sales Training sales motivation