We are pleased to announce that Cenergist, an innovative leader in energy efficiency products and services, has signed a significant contract with their Sales Outsourcing and Business Development division.
In August 2015, durhamlane announced the partnership with leadership and innovation consultant Alison Freer. Since then, the collaboration has facilitated business transformation journeys for clients and their teams in the Education, Utility, Health and Engineering sectors.
News, business transformation leadership coaching event“Recruitment isn’t just about what someone has done, it’s all about who they are, their attitude towards work, and what they are capable of.” - That’s the view of durhamlane’s Sales Recruitment Manager - Phil Mulvain.
Sales Training sales graduate recruitment News,Introducing our newest 'Selling at a Higher Level' sales masterclass. This high impact sales workshop is designed to tackle the common issues and fear surrounding making those initial (cold) prospecting calls. Written by and delivered by our newest sales trainer - Luke Robinson.
Sales Training News,Did you know you can receive up to £2,800 of business grant funding to support a range of business activities including marketing and sales?