"Regaining momentum takes three times as much energy as sustaining momentum,” according to US business author, Dan Pink. So, what does ‘momentum’ look like in your sales team? Incoming phone calls from prospects, emails from satisfied clients and recommendations on social channels would be a good place to start.
sales performance Sales Training sales motivationWhen did you meet your best friend? Can you remember how you became friends and built that relationship? I met my best friend on the playground when we were 3, and I imagine we bonded over being equally bad at football.
sales tips Sales TrainingNow there will be some eagle eyed of you out there who will not miss the irony of this post, not only am I Southern but I am also a sales person and ex promotions manager. Due to my professional background I have spent the majority of my adult life glued to some form of communication device or social media. Far from being a technophobe I am an advocate for technological advancement and feel when used correctly social media can be an insanely powerful tool.
sales tips Sales Training sales motivationSelling is social. It always has been, it always will be. But the way we do sales has changed.
Sales Training growth trendsStories are the most effective form of human communication, more powerful than any other way of packaging information. Stories are the cornerstone of consciousness and a sneaky way to persuade people. Great influencers understand the power of stories, anecdotes and best practices and use them to lead more successful business conversations.